Our People

Vonni Parker

Naturopath, Nutritionist.

BHSc Naturopathy, BHSc Clinical Nutrition, Adv Dip Naturopathy, Adv Dip Nutritional Medicine, Usui system of Reiki Level 2 (Japanese energy healing system), & Yoga teacher in training. My passion for naturopathy & nutrition has evolved alongside my journey into health & wellness, which began through a love for my 3 children & being an example of wholesome living. I started reading food labels to avoid additives in their food, then I researched the additives and discovered more than I bargained for!!……… there was a further realization that our skin is our largest organ & what we put onto our skin is absorbed through it, into the bloodstream & lymphatic system. With more research I found that toxins absorbed or ingested can be stored in organs & build up in the body over time. I have always believed in the bodies innate ability to heal itself, & relay that to clients who are at various health levels. We need specific nutrients & nutrient co-factors, & lifestyle tweaks to facilitate & speed up the body’s natural healing processes. I enjoy working with clients with long standing chronic health conditions to improve their quality of life. Other interest are nervous system disorders (stress, anxiety, etc), weight loss, building energy, improving gut health, fertility, pregnancy & hormonal support.

I have a special interest in energy & vibrational medicine, the meridians (energy pathways) & chakras (energy centres) of the body fascinate me. I have been practicing as a Reiki practitioner since 2012. I am currently studying my Level 1, 350 hour teacher training in Yoga……forever the teacher & forever the student!!

Alyson Maier

Naturopath, Herbalist, Childrens Author & Shamanic Practitioner ~ Green Heart Herbals
BMedMgmntProfHonCompMed, GradCertCompMed, AdvDipNat, BMedRadSci(RT)
MATMS 50743

Alyson is a Naturopath, Herbalist, Children’s Author, and Shamanic practitioner with a background in Oncology and Medical Imaging. Alyson is experienced in treating a wide range of health concerns including childhood behavioral and spectrum disorders, vaccine injuries as well as adult anxiety, depression, trauma/grief and sleep disorders, hormonal imbalances, and stress. Alyson sees the whole of you, mind, body, and spirit, and is passionate about empowering and educating her clients on how to connect with their emotional and physical bodies throughout their health journey. In her spare time, she enjoys foraging, making herbal medicines, and learning more from her shamanic teachers in the Andes, Peru.

Tahlia Sibley

BHSc Naturopathy

Tahlia has a gentle, friendly personality and brings a fresh perspective to her practice. She has special interests in gut health, skin, stress & anxiety, and is particularly passionate about supporting young adults. From seed to bloom, Tahlia works on nurturing your health from the roots.

Tahlia had always gravitated towards holistic medicine which led to her studying a bachelor of health science in naturopathy. The approach of treating the cause of issues and not just managing symptoms appealed to her as a more sustainable approach to health. Through her learning, she has enjoyed discovering the abundance of medicine that Mother Nature has to offer. Tahlia aspires to empower her clients with the tools they need to achieve long-lasting wellbeing.

Outside the clinic Tahlia embraces connection to nature, self and others. This looks like regular walks on the beach, weekend camping trips, and cooking up tasty meals with friends.

Jade Parker


Jade is another friendly face you will see on our administration team. Coming to us with experience in real estate administration & an extensive hospitality background. Jade will help guide you on your wellness journey checking in on your progress in intervals. Jades’ family has a naturopathic background so herbal tinctures & supplements are an integral part of her world. Jade loves to travel & enjoys hanging out with friends on the weekends.