Naturopathy is a holistic approach to Healthcare.
A Naturopath uses natures healing agents (Air, Water, Earth & Sun) along with nutrition, dietary advice, herbal remedies, vibrational medicines, exercise, lifestyle advice, good sleep, mental health (positive/happy outlook), relaxation/meditation, flower essences & massage amongst other things to support the body to heal itself.
Naturopaths use evidence based medicine alongside traditional healing methods.
Naturopathy is a belief in the ability of the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathy recognises the bodies complex and intuitive healing methods which are perfectly & intricately balanced to maintain homeostasis. Nature has an ability to regenerate itself as does the human body. The Naturopaths role is to support and encourage this natural ability to heal.

Naturopaths treat a wide variety of health conditions including, food intolerances, digestive issues, fatigue, stress, anxiety, skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, depression, colds, viruses, weight loss & weight management, autoimmune diseases, heart health, aches & pains etc. Naturally Wise works synergistically with your existing health providers to obtain the best outcome for you, the client. Naturopaths are educated in anatomy & physiology, chemistry & biochemistry, evidence based natural medicine, clinical medicine, pathophysiology, counselling,herbal & nutritional medicine, mineral therapy, iridology, Australian Bush Flower Essences & naturopathic philosophy.
A Naturopathic consult is holistic & will take into account the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of a clients health concern. Questions will be asked about the body systems; i.e muscular system, skeletal system, endocrine system, integumentary system, nervous system, cardiovascular/circulatory system, reproductive system, lymphatic/immune system, urinary system, gastrointestinal/digestive system, respiratory system. Questions around family history, social and cultural practices are also asked. This gives a good overview of you as an individual.
Naturopaths 7 fundamental principles followed are:
The healing power of nature (vis medicatrix naturae)
A belief in the ability of the body to heal itself. This recognises the bodies complex and intuitive healing methods which are perfectly & intricately balanced to maintain homeostasis. Nature has an ability to regenerate itself as does the human body. The Naturopaths role is to support and encourage this natural ability to heal.
Identify & treat the cause (tolle causam)
For optimal health to be restored to the body the cause of the disease state must be found & removed. The symptoms of the disease state are indicators which help lead us to find the cause. Treatment of the cause of the issue for example in chronic disease states is much more effective than just covering up the symptoms which hide the real problem (band-aid effect).
First do no harm (primum non nocere)
The use of the least invasive method to stimulate the body’s natural healing power to restore health & vitality to the individual.
Treat the whole person (tolle totum)
Naturopathy is a holistic modality which recognises the mental body, the spiritual body, the physical body & the emotional body as parts of a whole. Also taking into account awareness of social & environmental factors & how they impact on the person as a whole. All aspects are considered & treated to restore health & vitality to the individual.
Preventative medicine (preventare)
Naturopathy seeks to prevent minor illness from developing into anything more serious and preventing disease in the first place through following holistic guidelines & principles. Benedict Lust a founder of Naturopathy in America in 1902 stated in the Principles of Health, Volume 1 that the program of Naturopathic care had 3 steps. Eliminate evil habits, correct those habits & maintain improved principles of living.
Wellness & health promotion (an emerging principle)
The core principle is to establish & maintain optimal health & wellness. This endorses a healthy lifestyle and a proactive approach through positive emotion, thought, intention & action. Be the change you want to see.
Doctor as teacher (Docere)
Education & self empowerment of you the individual to take responsibility and accountability for your own their health & wellness journey.
A clinical treatment plan is devised for the individual. Naturally Wise specializes in weight loss programmes, weight management programmes, detoxification programmes & general health care programmes over a 1 month, 3 month or 6 month timeframe. We recommend Biocompatibility testing as your starting point. This will assess foods compatible with you the individual.
Ongoing support is provided & we will consult with other Health Professionals as required on a case to case basis.

To begin your health & wellness journey with us please click on the button below to schedule your appointment on our online booking calendar . Alternatively you can contact us about your specific health & wellness requirements by clicking the Touch Base button below.
We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic soon.