Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities… It might not be what you think. What does this mean? Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities are immune responses that can be to anything such as food substances, colourings, preservatives or additives, environment toxins, pollens or insects, chemicals, moulds and even medications. In fact, a negative immune reaction can become a reactant for you […]

Adam, was diagnosed ADHD, which not only affected his school work and class mates, but extended to tantrums and arguments with his family. Adam struggled to put together a project from start to finish, was frustrated with not only school work, but doing art or reading for fun at home. He avoided doing anything creative […]

Sinus, hayfever, ongoing sneezing, and daily headaches, that can be worse in the morning, though seem to last more months through the year than the Spring should bring, and could have been going on for decades, all could be part of a bigger health problem that is NOT associated with your allergies! Do you also […]

“Awesome, awesome, awesome…..this webinar is a MUST for everyone who cares about their overall health….” J.M. Buderim “Oh my lord, what an informative webinar…Brilliant” L.D. Chermside “I thought the webinar was fantastic… I now have a fuller understanding of my health” L.C. Buderim We had an incredible response from all who were logged on for […]