Cardiovascular fitness is a great way to reduce your risk of heart disease, however, if you’re suffering from symptoms of low blood pressure such as dizziness, rapid heart rate, fatigue, or chest pain, there may be a systemic health problem, leading to complication with your heart health. These types of heart complaints can affect you […]

How many times have you set yourself a new year’s resolution, only to sabotage it with all sorts of excuses about why you can’t achieve it? What if there really is a biophysical reason behind your excuses? I was speaking with a group of health industry experts just recently, about fitness clients with no energy, […]

I was fortunate to hear one of our own champions, Casey Munro, speak about his experience recently at Melbourne IronMan, expressing a powerful message about mindset going into the race. Mindset is an incredibly important aspect of your preparation, as is your training, nutrition, and of course rest, whether you’re a professional athlete or a […]

Sluggish energy or fatigue, low motivation, trouble with your weight, fluid retention, foggy or low mood, hair loss and low hormones are also symptoms that can occur with excessive sensitivity to the cold. If you’ve suspected your thyroid, and had it checked, only to come back normal anyway, you may have been on the right […]