For those suffering with anxiety, shyness, or fear, high stress levels, anger, poor memory and depression, sometimes it can be a lifelong struggle. Poor dream recall, susceptibility to allergies, fatigue, or poor sugar metabolism, can all be symptoms of a genetic disorder, which is on the rise. Affecting up to 40% of Australians, it often leads to more serious risks such as development of addictions, alcoholism, severe depression, or psychiatric disorders such as Bipolar disorder or Schizophrenia for those where it may be in their family history.
In recent times gene mutations that have been discovered, causing an inability to absorb key nutrients necessary for production of brain chemicals for mood, digestion, hormone production, detoxification, and to fight infections. A cascade effect toward ill health eventually develops creating emotional stress and inflammation, often leading to food sensitivities, and allowing bacterial infections to invade.
“A cascade effect toward mood swings or depression, intolerance and illness eventually develops, yet is easily supported if identified and understood”
The collateral damage can be vast, creating a decline into ill health and a psychological or depressive state seemingly unsolvable. Gene mutations are simple to treat, with a rapid response time, though most people go undiagnosed. Some sufferers respond poorly to common anti-depressants, so knowing that this condition affects you or your family is very important, and can be diagnosed with pathology testing. Treating these conditions correctly allows the body to repair, bringing your health back to its optimum state allowing you a bright healthy future, free of the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Visit and take a simple quiz online to identify if you may be at risk. The right diagnosis and investigation into your health is the key to finding happiness and balance in your life for you and your family. Phone the Advanced Wellness & Behavioural Centre on 1800 MY WELLNESS (1800 699 355) for a free half hour consultation to discuss your health concerns further.