Could toxin overloads affect your sleep, mood and hormones?

They absolutely can!

What do these debilitating conditions all have in common?

  • Fatigue or Insomnia
  • Depression or Anxiety Attacks
  • Chemical or Food Sensitivities
  • Weight Gain or Loss
  • Bloating, Digestive Pain or Constipation
  • Hormonal Imbalance or Cancers

Suffering these symptoms may lead to further chronic illness

In today’s western culture, being exposed to toxic substances is inevitable, creating havoc with your health and mental wellbeing. Toxic substances from the environment or in your diet can impact your mood and energy almost immediately, creating a reaction for up to 24 hours, or they can build up to cause years of ill health, depression, anxiety, and chronic disease. The liver comes into play when you consume anything of a toxic nature to your system, and can be very different for every individual. During this time, enzymes and nutrients required by the liver for detoxification are used in excessive levels in this system, disrupting sleep, mood, digestion, and energy, where these enzymes are also necessary. Your liver is designed to process these toxins and have them excreted from your body, however, problems develop when the toxic load becomes too much, and disease processes begin. This can be treated, and eradicated, by supplying the liver with the extra boost it needs, and putting in a little effort to make a few changes in your home, to stop the cycle.

What to avoid?

  1. Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are endocrine disruptors, known as xenoestrogens, causing oestrogen dominance conditions such as breast, prostate and testicular cancer, obesity, infertility, endometriosis, early onset puberty, miscarriages and diabetes. Include organic fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs and spices, and hormone-free meats where possible. When choosing foods that are not organic, avoid the dirty dozen: apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, hot peppers, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, sweet bell peppers; and include the clean 15: asparagus, avocados, cabbage, cantaloupe, sweet corn, eggplant, grapefruit, kiwi, mangoes, mushrooms, onions, papayas, pineapples, sweet peas (frozen), and sweet potatoes.
  2. Preservatives affect up to 65 per cent of the population with reactions such as fluid retention, weight gain, irritability, headaches, migraines, asthma, sinus, hives, rapid heart rate and sometimes anaphylaxis. Most commonly used in wine, beer, soft drinks, diet products, dried fruits, bottled sauces such as fish or soy sauces, balsamic vinegar, seafood, minced meat and sausages, though can be added to almost anything. Always check the label.
  3. Alcohol, drug use, medications, and even food allergens or intolerances will trigger a response that can last from hours to days. Allergy testing can be of great benefit, and there are many types of tests available, some better than others. Speak to your practitioner about your choices first. The more toxic your liver, the stronger your food sensitivities respond.
  4. Skin care with parabens and chemical sunscreens all have a xenoestrogenic effect include makeup, soaps, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, moisturiser, and facial products. All of these chemicals increase your risk of liver toxicity, hormonal imbalance, or some types of cancers. Choose mineral organic makeup, which is commonly available, and choose natural zinc sunscreens, which are chemical-free and just as effective.
  5. Plastics such as non BPA-free bottles, can leach plastic substances into your food. Avoid heating or freezing foods in plastic containers, and drinking hot liquids from styrofoam cups. Always use glass bottles or ceramics for cooking or for your water. Avoid using cling wraps, especially in heating food, microwaving also should be avoided.
  6. Household cleaners, such as bleach, dishwashing liquid, spray cleaners, and laundry powders are also very toxic and hormonal disruptors. There are many healthier choices now available in the supermarkets.
  7. Styrene and xylene found in paints and solvents, toluene from automotive sources, phthalates and benzenes found in personal care products and phthalates found in any scented items such as air fresheners, candles, and plastic items, are all detrimental to your nervous system and endocrine system. Conditions affecting your nervous system, such as mental health disorders, severe depression, anxiety and panic attacks, and hormonal imbalances and disorders, not to mention all kinds of cancers can be produced due to these overloads.

Case Study

A 39 year old female patient suffered with eight years of severe depression, panic attacks, chronic fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, and hypoglycaemic symptoms. These included nausea, shaking, weakness and fainting every two hours, unless food was ingested to stabilise the blood sugar. All blood testing showed normal blood sugar levels, with no diagnosis of hypoglycaemia. Metabolic profiling and toxic markers were tested to find high levels of styrene toxicity with a symptom description range of dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, drowsiness, nausea, impaired balance, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Treatment for detoxification began with symptom relief within four months of correct diagnosis.If you have any concerns, you’re welcome to discuss testing options such as thorough food analysis, metabolic profiling and environmental toxicity, with the team at Advanced Wellness.



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